Leading Crypto Community, GAINS Associates, Invests in Astra Guild Ventures (AGV)

Astra Guild Ventures
3 min readNov 3, 2021

We are excited to announce the latest investment in Astra Guild Ventures (AGV) by GAINS Associates, a crypto community that’s been around since the early days of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. This investment will further cement AGV’s position as one of the leading Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) globally and help GAINS Associates achieve its vision of connecting with people who want to find a reliable and exciting place they can actively learn about blockchain and crypto.

About GAINS Associates

GAINS stands for Group Action is Never Small. Established in late 2017, GAINS Associates quickly rose to become one of the world’s most prominent and most respected crypto communities. They provide updates, analysis, and information for investors who want to learn more about digital currencies on Telegram and Discord. Their community is open to everyone and welcomes new members with open arms.

GAINS Associates often host AMAs (Ask Me Anything), quizzes, and other entertaining events. These events serve as an opportunity for crypto enthusiasts and investors alike to interact with project investors and showcase their knowledge about blockchain and cryptocurrency.

This leading crypto community is headed by its CEO and Founder Alexandre Raffin. With a Master’s degree in Computer Science, Alexandre is eager to use his expertise to better our society. He also aims to be part of an exciting new revolution that will positively transform our lives now and into future generations.

With GAINS Associates’ recent investment in AGV, Alexandre believes that it will help both companies build a truly decentralized community within the blockchain space:

“In GAINS, we always strive to bring value to everything we do, and we think that partnering with AGV will bring just that to all of our stakeholders in GAINS. Considering the rise of Play-to-Earn (P2E) games, we think that AGV has a tremendous upside. More than that, we invested in AGV as they share the same vision with gains — building a truly decentralized community within the blockchain space,” says Alexandre (@AlxandreRaffin).

Alexandre will take part in the advisory board of AGV and assist with enhancing their pipeline for upcoming P2E games.

Read Next: Astra Guild Ventures (AGV) acquires Equity on Blue Monster Games (BMG)

About Astra Guild Ventures

Astra Guild Ventures is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that invests in NFTs, P2E games, and other blockchain projects. AGV aims to build a global community of investors, tech leaders, NFT and blockchain enthusiasts, and P2E players.

AGV will start its Series B funding round (private sale) on November 17, 2021, with 37,500,000 AGV ready for distribution 10% to be released on Token Generation Event on December 23, 2021, and the remaining 90% will be distributed monthly for the 12 months.

For interested Series B investors, connect with info@astraguild.io.

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Medium: astraguildventures.medium.com
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Astra Guild Ventures

Astra Guild Ventures (AGV) is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that invests in NFTs, P2E games, and other blockchain projects.